Commercial Property Stamp Duty in Australia

Stamp duty is a crucial consideration in commercial property transactions across Australia. The rates and regulations vary by state and territory. Here's a comprehensive guide to commercial property stamp duty in each region. We have included a commercial loan stamp duty calculator to calculate the stamp duty cost for your State.

New South Wales (NSW)

In New South Wales, commercial property stamp duty rates are determined by the property's value. As of the latest update, the rates range from X% to Y%. It's essential to check with the NSW Office of State Revenue for the most up-to-date information.

Victoria (VIC)

Victoria imposes stamp duty on commercial property transactions, and the rates are tiered based on the property's value. The rates can be found on the website of the State Revenue Office Victoria.

Queensland (QLD)

Queensland's stamp duty rates for commercial properties vary. For accurate and current information, it is recommended to refer to the Queensland Government's Office of State Revenue.

Western Australia (WA)

Commercial property transactions in Western Australia are subject to stamp duty. The rates may vary, and details can be obtained from the Western Australian Government's Department of Finance.

South Australia (SA)

South Australia levies stamp duty on commercial property transactions. The rates are determined by the property's value. For the latest information, consult the RevenueSA website.

Tasmania (TAS)

Tasmania imposes stamp duty on commercial property transactions, and rates may vary. The State Revenue Office of Tasmania is the authoritative source for the latest information.

Australian Capital Territory (ACT)

The Australian Capital Territory applies stamp duty on commercial property transactions. The rates can be found on the ACT Revenue Office website.

Northern Territory (NT)

Commercial property transactions in the Northern Territory attract stamp duty. For the most current rates and information, it is advisable to check with the Northern Territory Revenue Office.

It is essential to note that stamp duty rates and regulations are subject to change. Always verify the latest information with the relevant state or territory revenue office or seek professional advice before engaging in commercial property transactions.